Explore PoolTech Rewards, our exclusive loyalty program for boosting your business. Earn rewards on every purchase with additional benefits on designated products, and enhance your expertise through our educational programs and exclusive industry events.
Members will earn Loyalty Rewards credit on account in two categories – Base Rewards and PoolTech Product Rewards, which can be used at member discretion for anything sold by Heritage Pool Supply Group. Some exclusions apply.
Base Rewards – Percent earned on all purchases.
PoolTech Product Rewards – Percent earned in addition to base on PoolTech designated product purchases.
Products selected for the PoolTech designation address specific needs of the pool professional (labor, efficiencies, safety) and are tailored for the upgrade, renovation, and replacement market.
Heritage is partnering with product manufacturers and industry experts to bring live on-site training and an on-line library of courses to its PoolTech members. Subjects will include Business, Products, Sales, and Safety. Courses will be rolled out throughout the year.
Members will be offered exclusive events and promotions throughout the year. Stay tuned!